速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / ABC's of Phonics

ABC's of Phonics



檔案大小:29.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.1 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


ABC's of Phonics(圖1)-速報App

ABC's of Phonics was created with the collaboration of my sister Marie Zofrea who holds a masters in education. The app was designed to support teachers in the class room or private tutoring. The teacher may prepare up to five different lessons using flash cards that revolve around phonics. CLOVER is built into the app along with a 5 card, 1 card and vowel sounds pack. The teacher may save lessons for all students under their name, this allows the teacher to prepare the lesson before visiting the student. The app also contains a client list where the teacher may keep notes on the students progress. There are over 500 flash cards that may be used to build the lessons. With clear instructions and easy functionality ABC's of Phonics will save you time and clutter when preparing your lessons. This version of the application has be updated to support pronunciation of sounds or words. The student also may trace the letters in certain lessons.

ABC's of Phonics(圖2)-速報App

ABC's of Phonics(圖3)-速報App

ABC's of Phonics(圖4)-速報App

ABC's of Phonics(圖5)-速報App
